Lizard Chan Group

The group is an Affiliated group of the Western Chan Fellowship, in the lineage of Chan Master Sheng Yen.
“What we commonly think of as the self is an illusion. It is nothing in itself at all but a name we give to our continuous interaction with the environment.” Master Sheng Yen.
Chan Buddhism is the Chinese forerunner of Japanese Zen. It has been practised in Asia from the 6th Century CE, and is becoming increasingly popular in Europe and the USA. Like other forms of Buddhism it offers ways of investigating the mind and enabling practitioners to obtain greater insight through meditation into their own nature of existence.
Chan is an ancient eastern philosophical system and way of being that are equally relevant for people in the 21st century western world.
It is a system that sits comfortably with modern science and psychology.
It has an undogmatic and open approach to existence.
It teaches a pragmatic, down-to-earth, wise and compassionate approach to living.
It demands effort of practitioners and a willingness to accept responsibility for our thoughts and actions.

Lizard Chan group meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday evenings of the month, 7.30pm - 9.30pm at Roselidden Farm, Trevenen Bal, Helston, Cornwall, TR13 OPT
All are welcome to arrive from 7.15 for a 7.30pm start.
In recent times we maintained our usual rhythm of meetings via Zoom. This seemed to work well and we continue to offer that possibility for those who cannot join us in person.
The main focus of the group is Chan as practiced by the Western Chan Fellowship, but we are an open group and so membership and discussions may encompass other Buddhist traditions. We are open to beginners and experienced practitioners alike, and all are welcome. The evening consists of two periods of sitting meditation (usually 30 minutes), with a 10 - 15 minute walking meditation or gentle stretching exercises between them. Some readings may be shared, and there is opportunity for reflections or discussion before we close.
There are mats, cushions, benches and chairs available, but if you have your own preferred cushion or bench, do bring it along.
There is no charge for attendance but you may like to place a donation in the Dana bowl which goes towards costs. Donations, though welcome, are voluntary.
Newcomers are welcome and are asked to first make contact with Jos Hadfield for any further information and to check on current meeting dates.
When coming for the first time, please aim to arrive 15 minutes earlier to allow introductions to be made and any queries answered.
Half and full day retreats are also offered, led by invited teachers.
The Western Chan Fellowship offers intensive, challenging retreats run by teachers with insight and integrity. Interviews with those teachers are an important part of the retreats, offering caring support as participants explore their own natures. For further information, please visit Western Chan Fellowship
Directions to Roselidden Farm
From Truro take A39 towards Falmouth. At Treliever Cross roundabout turn onto A394 to Helston. At Trevenen, about a mile before Helston, pass the Pitstop Drive-Thru Car Repair forecourt on your left. Turn next right into Trevenen Bal.
Continue right through the hamlet to the T-junction (0.6miles), where you will see a granite sign for Wearne and Sons. Turn left. After 0.1mile there is a grove of trees. Turn right at the Public Bridleway/Roselidden sign, and go to the end of the left hand tarmac track (0.3miles).
From Redruth take B297 towards Helston. On entering the outskirts of Helston, follow the signs for Falmouth. Turn onto A394. Pass through Trewennack. After 0.75miles turn left into Trevenen Bal. (If you pass the Pitstop Drive-Thru Car Repair forecourt on your right you have gone too far).
Continue right through the hamlet to the T-junction (0.6miles), where you will see a granite sign for Wearne and Sons. Turn left. After 0.1miles there is a grove of trees. Turn right at the Public Bridleway/Roselidden sign, and go to the end of the left hand tarmac track (0.3miles).